Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Feels good when someone says "Hey! You've lost weight!"

Wow, so a colleague almost jumped when she saw me, after returning from a three-week tour, and exclaimed "Wow! What are you doing? You've lost so much weight!"

I mean, is there something else that can give you a higher "high"  than such a comment?
I haven't yet weighted myself after May when I started out on this weight-losing venture.

I haven't been keeping up with my diary entry every day here on the blog. Life has become so hectic at work and at home.

And this hectic schedule is what really gets us women out of shape. Again, I'm taking all inspiration from Rujuta Diwekar's book, agreeing with most of what she says, discussing the issues she tackles. We tend to ignore our needs so often because well, it's not tied up with the needs of our family. Husband is travelling, so I won't cook a propah breakfast, or will skip making a subjee and live off salad and bread maybe... You know, trying to convince yourself that "why should i cook just for myself?" or some such logic.

It's tragic we don't care much for ourselves as individuals, na? I know all this and yet I do it all over again. That's wither called weakness or stupidity...I can't decide.

Really, with Hubby travelling, with Sonny absolutely refusing to let me exercise (he wakes up soon after I wake and comes and pushes me or sits on my lap!!), it's becoming a challenge to keep with my schedule -- both with exercise and food. The last week I've let myself wander off track and in the process let myself down too much.

I MUST MUST MUST wake earlier. But aaarggh Bangalore's beautiful cloudy weather makes you want to curl up and sleep well into the morning these days.

What I am keeping at though, is smaller portions, more frequent meals. The size of  my tummy tires has reduced, though they're still clinging on steadfastly to my sides and front like a little child.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for you !!! I am really glad you're making lifestyle changes - esp. with food. Completely agree about us bending over backwards for doing diet related things for hubby/family, but ignoring ourselves. Let's get out of it !! :).
